Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cristina's World

i always liked this painting. the bare landscape, the detailed grass, the light and the seemingly young skinny woman lying on the ground looking up toward something that we don't actually know. a mystery...
Cristina's World is a tempera work by US painter Andrew Wyeth, one of the best-known American paintings of the middle 20th century and i just discovered that the story behind it is quite tragic!
the woman of the painting is Christina Olson (1893 - 1968) who had an undiagnosed muscular deterioration that paralyzed her lower body. Wyeth was inspired to create the painting when through a window within the house, he saw her crawling across a field. although the woman in the painting appears young, Olson was 55 at the time Wyeth created the work.
currently on display at the MoMA in New York, as a part of their permanent collection.
thanks Wikipedia!

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