Sunday, June 3, 2012

Gottfried Salzmann

is an Austrian artist, born in Salzburg in 1943. his initial passion was for water colors, a trend among german expressionists in the mid of 20th century. he also took part of a group of artists - "gang of four" who exhibit their works in Salzburg in the 60's. over the years Gottfried began to associate water color techniques with other disciplines as drawing, printmaking, photography and acrylic painting. 
as a skilled photographer he started to shoot pictures that were then integrated in his works. his early themes moved from landscape to cityscape with a special interest in the american city and its skyscrapers, first New York and more recently San Francisco. 
Gottfried a true postmodern artist and his works often include many characteristics of this definition: the prominent use of words, collage, simplification, the use of industrial materials and pop imagery. 
my impression, after seeing his works at the Franklin Bowels Gallery in NYC was that he really succeeds to transmit the essence of the city. 

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